Medical Lab in Llano, Texas
No need to travel a long distance when you need medical lab services in Llano and San Saba County. MidCoast Central's on-site laboratory is committed to serving patients with timely, professional, and compassionate care. Our laboratory returns results on 90 percent of tests within 24 hours of service.
MidCoast Central Llano is also a collection site for national reference labs; any test not performed on site will be referred to one of our reference lab.
MidCoast Central Llano is committed to accuracy and efficiency in providing test results.
Medical Laboratory Services Offered at MidCoast Central in Llano
Laboratory services at MidCoast Central include, but are not limited to:
- Chemistry (CMP, lipid, liver profile, renal panel)
- Hematology (CBC, SED rate)
- Coagulation (PT, PTT)
- Urinalysis
- Microbiology (urine cultures, wound cultures, and blood cultures)
- Immunology / Serology (Testing for mono, pregnancy testing, strep throat screening, flu screening, RSV testing and more.)
- Special chemistry (cardiac, digoxin, phenytoin, depakote, carbamazepine, vancomycin and more).
Quality Assurance
The MidCoast Central Llano Lab is accredited by COLA, which abides by Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendment guidelines. All test results are monitored for reliability, precision, and accuracy through both internal and external quality control programs by registered MTs, MLTs, and Laboratory Assistants.
Pathology Services
MidCoast Central Llano patients may receive care from our Pathologist. If so, please note that they are independent and bill separately.
Serving Llano and San Saba County With Excellence in Health Care
Located at 200 W. Ollie Street in Llano
MidCoast Medical Center - Central
200 W. Ollie
Llano, Texas 78643
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